Roman Empire

 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Sinclair ZX81 > Roman Empire
Take on the role of a Roman Empire with the goal of expanding your territory. Assemble your armies and send them out on campaigns to conquer neighbouring regions in this text-based strategy game.

Platform : Sinclair ZX81
Format : Cassette
Publisher : M.C. Lothlorien
Authors : M.C. Lothlorien
Date : 1982
Product Code :

Other Software by M.C. Lothlorien:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Bedlam Blaster M.C. Lothlorien ZX Spectrum Cassette 1982
Roman Empire M.C. Lothlorien Sinclair ZX81 Cassette 1982
The Stolen Lamp M.C. Lothlorien Acorn BBC Micro Cassette 1983
MicroMouse Goes Debugging M.C. Lothlorien Commodore 64 Cassette 1983
Confrontation M.C. Lothlorien BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Confrontation Scenarios Volume 1 M.C. Lothlorien BBC Micro Cassette 1984
Waterloo M.C. Lothlorien BBC Micro 5.25 Floppy Disk 1985

Information About M.C. Lothlorien:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH22589. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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